Risk Attitude Profiling Questions

Risk Profiler

Our risk profiler helps gives us an idea of your attitude to risk and to see which investment meets your needs. This process is carried out with a Financial Adviser. 

The more risk you are willing to take with your investments, the higher their potential return. However, the greater their chance of loss. Investments that are lower risk on the other hand offer greater security but lower potential returns.

Our Risk Profiles

Our risk profiler helps give you an idea of your attitude to risk.

Risk Averse investors prefer knowing that their capital is safe rather than seeking higher returns. They are not comfortable with the thought of investing in the stock market and want to keep their money in the bank or other cash-based deposits. Risk Averse investors typically have very limited knowledge of financial matters and they are unlikely to have experience of investment. Risk Averse investors can take a long time to make up their mind on financial matters and will usually suffer from severe regret if their decisions turn out badly. Risk Averse investors typically hold all of their money in cash deposits

In general, Conservative investors prefer knowing that their capital is safe rather than seeking higher returns. They are not particularly comfortable with the thought of investing in the stock market and would rather keep most of their money in lower risk assets. However, Conservative investors do not believe that all of their money should be invested in lower risk assets such as Cash or Fixed Income. Conservative investors typically have fairly limited knowledge of financial matters and they are unlikely to have much experience of investment. Conservative investors can take a relatively long time to make up their mind on financial matters and will usually suffer from regret if their decisions turn out badly.

In general, Balanced investors prefer not to take too much risk with their investments, but will do so to an extent. They tend to prefer lower risk assets, but realise riskier investments are likely to give better longer term returns. As a result, they realise that by taking a balanced level of risk the opportunity for increased returns is higher. Balanced investors typically have moderate levels of knowledge about financial matters and they may have some experience of investment in riskier assets. Balanced investors can take some time to make up their mind on financial matters and can suffer from regret when decisions turn out badly.

In general, Moderate investors understand that they have to take investment risk in order to be able to meet their long-term goals. They are likely to be willing to take risk with a high proportion of their available assets. Moderate investors typically have a good level of knowledge about financial matters and they usually have some experience of investment, including investing in products containing higher risk assets such as equities. Moderate investors will usually be able to make up their minds on financial matters relatively quickly, but still suffer from some feelings of regret when their decisions turn out badly.

In general, Dynamic investors are happy to take investment risk and understand this is crucial in terms of generating long-term return. They are willing to take risk with most of their available assets. Dynamic investors typically have significant levels of financial knowledge and they will usually
be experienced investors, who have used a range of investment products in the past that have contained high levels of Equity. Dynamic investors will usually be able to make up their minds on financial matters quite quickly. While they can suffer from regret when their decisions turn out badly, they are able to accept that occasional poor returns are a necessary part of
long-term investment.

In general, Adventurous investors are looking for a high return on their capital and are willing to take considerable amounts of risk to achieve this. They are usually willing to take risk with all of their available assets. Adventurous investors typically have high levels of financial knowledge and they often have substantial amounts of investment experience and may have been active in managing their investment arrangements. Adventurous investors typically will make up their minds on financial matters quickly. They do not suffer from regret to any great extent and can accept occasional poor returns without much difficulty.

As this is advice based , when you complete with an Financial Adviser, we would send you report after you answer 12 simple questions to give you an idea of your attitude to risk.



The value of investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested.

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